Yes no indicators are being used to analised the market but TBSTTK uses some indicator just to simplify things. The indicator that being used is Spikebars. This indicator is just to recognise the size of the candle. TBSTTK also uses Fibonacci retracement but with a different settings, as follows:
Level 0 - Zon B
Level 0.52 - Level 52
Level 0.75 - Level 75
Level 1 - Level 100
Level 1.2 - Level 120
Level 1.5 - Level 150
Level 2 - Level 200
Level 2.5 - Level 250
Level 3 - Level 300
Make sure every time the fibonacci is set at 100pips, you will have something like this:
Forex Made Simple - TBST Way
This is an effort to translate Trade Bank Smart Trade (TBST), a Forex Trading principles from Bahasa Malaysia into English. TBST uses Facebook to do their daily activities, classes, tutorials and discussions.
Sunday 11 December 2011
It is not a system but an understanding on how to trade EuroUsd the TBSTTK way. It was started with just an idea - market has memory which was made widely known by Dan Zanger, Jamuddin Hj Sulaiman studied about this and after years of research he came out with Trade Bank. What he first saw there is always a fix candle that been triggering the market, so he call it as Candle Bank .. as Bank is the most common figure to move the forex market. From here on Trade Bank grows bigger with more knowledge being found .. Market Batal (Market Cancellation), Smart Trade, Trade Kefahaman (Trade with Understanding) - TK and HH1.
No indicator is being used to analised the market as indicators are lagging only shows what happen before but not in the moment. The danger with indicators as you may be tricked to believing something not suppose to be. So why TBSTTK is so successful with EuroUsd? Some says EU is very tamed and has a certain personality. According to Dan Zanger market has memories and by combining these two this is what we get:
This is what Jamuddin Hj Sulaiman wanting us to see, to identify while trading EU. How do you start with TBSTTK? Well 1st have to let go all knowledge that you have regarding forex, dump the indicators, dump the systems, dump the understading about market that you have before, start fresh.
Ready for a great journey? Let's start
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